If you don’t want to be a slave to your corporate job anymore and would rather pursue your passion, here are some lucrative food & beverages business ideas that will help you set out on your journey!
So what are these 3 businesses?
Drinks are always a great potential business to get into
First up is Singapore’s favourite beverage – bubble tea. Bubble tea shops are always high in demand especially in Singapore – and compared to most other businesses, ingredients within a bubble tea shop are usually easy to make and procure! Recipes can be duplicated seamlessly – and you can train your team to make the drinks easily due to it requiring minimal cooking talent. Open a shop in the CBD, or in neighbourhood areas populated with schools – and you got yourself a lucrative beverage store!
A bowl of ramen is always a warming meal for the stomach
It’s time to make a splash in the food industry! In Singapore, ramen is one of the most popular dishes due to its hearty and savoury nature. With such high demand from consumers, it doesn’t take long before you’ll start seeing that profit pile up too. A good chef will ensure customers keep coming back over and over again by making sure they are always satisfied.
Fusion pasta is sure to bring in curious customers
Pasta shops are also among the top in terms of profitability in the F&B business. It is easy to make (flour & water can get you delicious pasta), and it is a staple cuisine as it satisfies everybody from businessmen who want a quick bite before they go home to families that need something wholesome but fast during dinner time as well.
Interested in our services?
After you’ve decided on your business – there are a few more steps you must take to ensure you get out there. A standout logo, name card, and menu will catch the attention of others – and lucky for you, all of that is just a click away.
Get in touch with us today!