The Ultimate Design Checklist for Startups | C.O Enterprise

There is a lot that goes into the creation of a startup, so much so that we sometimes forget to work on the slightly less important things. You’ve created your logo and picked out your brand colours, but is there something you are forgetting?

Business Cards

Business Card for O.M.G Dessert

Name cards aside, your company would do well with its own dedicated card – detailing your company’s information such as addresses and numbers to contact. This is a good way for others to pass your information around, as it is generic enough to still be important in spreading the word of your business.


Do you know what’s really important?

Signage. It’s the first thing people see when they come to your business and it can make or break their experience with you. We offer a wide range of signage options, from banners to acrylic lightbox, so you can find the perfect way to get noticed.

We want your customers to have an amazing time at your establishment! So give them something worth coming back for by investing in some quality signage that will keep them coming back again and again.

Website Design

Sure, you might have a website – but have you considered its design? Giving off the correct mood, tone, and style immediately at first glance is important, and a haphazard design is sure to only confuse others looking in. Make sure to finetune your designs to ensure that they have maximum impact.

Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing for Tanyu

You have accounts on certain platforms, but good visually appealing content needs to appear next on it. Without a doubt, with the right words, imagery, and timing, anything can go viral, so giving your company that extra potential exposure is important in the long run.


Good advertising design is sure to be more effective than one that is not done well. Getting your name out there but with style is sure to give more authenticity to your company as a whole.

Interested in our services?

Let us help you get through that checklist.

Get in touch with us today to get your name out there!



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