Attract More Customers With These 9 Menu Design Secrets | C.O Enterprise

Every restaurant has a menu – be it for drinks, food, or sides. But the best restaurants have menus that instantly draw you in – something that immediately makes people pick what they want without a second thought? Is that black magic? No, it is just a few secrets and tricks that they have up their sleeves – and we are sharing that with you today so you can incorporate them into your menu!


It might be tempting to put an entire set of dishes on one single menu, but consider that it might be difficult to pick something out from a crowd of items. Instead, streamline it so that your most popular dishes are being shown. This increases legibility and allows a customer to make their choices much more easily.

Bold Colours

Colours are known to trigger certain emotions in people – with red being a strong association with hunger. Perhaps you can use bold colours to make your menu feel much more alive.

Professional Food Photography

A mouth-watering image will surely make customers be assured that the quality of your food will be of high quality.

Professionalism is conveyed through doing as such.

Leave Out The $ Sign

There is some scientific evidence backing that the removal of the $ on your menu might make customers be willing to spend more since the dollar symbol is usually associated with cost.


At this point, you are probably sick of seeing the word ‘colours’ – but it is true that it is one of the most important facets of any design – regardless of medium. It helps to set the tone for your restaurant, and bolder colours generally tend to instigate hunger!

Highlight Premium Dishes

Making sure customers take note of your premium dishes is as easy as highlighting them within your menu. Box them up or give them a different colour.

Simple Descriptions

Describe your dishes as simple as possible to ensure that customers understand what they are getting when they order from your menu. Not having text that is understandable might result in them ordering food that is much more basic – which is usually less expensive.


The aesthetic of your menu should give any customer an experience. Make them feel like they are buying into something ‘big’!

Interested in our services?

Our menus are sure to consist of every point here and even more.

Get in touch with us today!



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