3 Ways To Maximise Your Food Photography On Advertising For Your Business | C.O Enterprise

After you have gotten those professional photos of your food shot for your F&B business, now what? Here are 3 key ideas you can maximise on advertising for your business.

Menu Design

Menu Design for BobaBebe

This one seems obvious, but using your food photographs for your menus – both online and offline, can seriously entice customers to purchase them from you.

Menu Design for BobaBebe

Mouth-watering visuals are much more effective in convincing others to dine in at your restaurant when compared to most other forms of advertising, so make sure to spice up your menus with those professionally shot photos. 

Signage Design

Signage Design for Lau Pa Sat Teochew Bak Chor Mee

While others are walking past your restaurant, they might not even take a minute to glance at what you offer before disappearing into the crowd. If you had some delicious photos of your food on giant signboards or even embedded into the signage of your establishment – that could help you out immensely.

Signage Design for Lau Pa Sat Teochew Bak Chor Mee

Customers will not have to look or search you up in order to know what you sell, as they will immediately know from a single look at these things that you might have up.

Print Media

Another popular way to advertise your food is through print ads on billboards, bus stops, and even MRT stations. As these places are hot topics for human traffic, you can be assured that many eyes will look at your ads plenty of times during the day – so it is crucial that you use your best shot photos in order to leave a lasting impression on anyone looking on. It might even entice them to stop by right after looking at them.

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Need professionally shot photos to wow your customers?

Get in touch with us today!

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💌 marketing@co-enterprise.com.sg

📞 +65 6976 8060