3 Reasons Food Videography Is Dominating The Food Industry | C.O Enterprise

Photos are important, sure – but video marketing has been on the rise ever since the advent of social media. While an enticing-looking photo is effective in driving in new and old customers, a short clip can help reach even more audiences by showcasing your dishes in a dynamic way! Here are 3 reasons why you should consider investing in video for your future marketing. 

The Reach of Video

76% of adults surveyed have stated that they have bought items after watching a video on the products they wanted to buy. Youths of today have also stated that video is currently the most engaging form of visual medium out there too. Those statistics alone should give you an idea on how much potential revenue is to be gained from focusing on it for any future advertisement you might create!


Video allows you to make multiple forms of advertising with flexibility. Want to make a tour of your restaurant and its dishes? Or perhaps a review on a product you are currently selling? The possibilities are endless, and with a good camera and a few notches here and there in the editing room – you are sure to create something engaging even if it is haphazardly made. 


Videos can be used pretty much anywhere! On the internet, on social media sites, and even now – billboards have videos playing on them instead of traditional print media! A popular trend for brands these days is to create curated content for sites such as TikTok, where short clips that can instantly reach a massive audience are favoured! 

Interested in our services?

Need professional videos or even fun ones to promote your food or restaurant?

Get in touch with us today!

🖥 http://co-enterprise.com.sg/

💌 marketing@co-enterprise.com.sg

📞 +65 6976 8060